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Dear Families, Chance to Share day is Wednesday the 8th May. Time slots for attendance: 9-9.45am 10.20-10.50am 2.15-3pm we look forward to seeing you.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


Spring is here!! Go on, look out of the window - there, just left of the dark clouds and below the torrential rain... see it? April has certainly earned it's showery nick name, but that is great for class 3 as we are spending our science sessions in Y3 this term learning about plants - what they need to grow, how important each part is and the role that it plays and as we have already discovered from our Easter homework - plants need water and April is providing plenty of that!


In PE we will be throwing, catching, running and jumping with Mr Eshelby as well as taking part in our swimming sessions at Melton Swimming Pool on Friday mornings - thank you to those of you who have already returned the goggles permission slip.  Without that and your child's ability to put on their own goggles, I am afraid that (health and safety!) they can't be worn.


We will be looking at Whissendine as part of our work in geography and where it fits in the county as a whole.  What are the features of the village and the county, can we create plans (like the ones we made for Lownsby Newtown) for Rutland?  Mr Barlow is taking us back in time during music lessons (I have told him that the 80's aren't classed as ancient history!) to get inspiration from musicians of the past which we will then use to create music of our own.  Mrs Honerez continues to turn us into bi-lingual citizens in French and in RE we will consider the role that Jesus plays and question how he inspires others.

Add a times tables focus in maths and becoming story writers in literacy and you have another busy, and exciting, term.


Mrs W x

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