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Dear Families, Chance to Share day is Wednesday the 8th May. Time slots for attendance: 9-9.45am 10.20-10.50am 2.15-3pm we look forward to seeing you.
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Whissendine CE Primary School

Rutland Water - Egleton

What a brilliant day at Egleton, Rutland Water.  We found some amazing creatures when pond dipping identified as Ramshorn Snail, Water Hoglouse, Damselfly Nymph, Dragonfly Nymph, Pond Snail, Bloodworm and a fish (the first one to be found for many years apparently – well done Mrs Conan’s team!)  We also had one male and two female newts (the male newt has a fan on his back, the female is smooth).  The bug hunting was successful with many a worm (of various length) slug, woodlouse, and millipede found under rotting wood.  At all times we were respectful and responsible when handling live creatures.  After lunch we walked to the Redshank Hide armed with binoculars and did a spot of bird watching.  Swans, Ducks, Geese, Glebes and various types of Gull were to be found but not that illusive Osprey!  We were told their nest was at a different part of Rutland Water.  Never mind, we have been checking that nest out daily on the webcam! The scavenger hunt on the way back to the bus was challenging but we were resourceful as ever and found most objects except the empty snail shell – that was tricky!  Well done Foundation Class, as always we were very proud of you!


Just a thought - can you remember what that Heron was made of?

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