Term 3
Term 3 - Everybody walk the Dinosaur!
Welcome back to a new term and a new year! I hope that you all had a FANTASTIC Christmas with your families and friends. I was spoiled rotten by all of your lovely gifts and not only does my home smell beautiful, so do I! But none of my clothes fit from eating all of the yummies you gave me! Miss Mann's home made cookies went down very well with a cup of tea! Thank you all!
This term our school 'R' is about being responsible, we are looking at how we have responsibilities not only to our friends and families but also our world and not forgetting, ourselves!
In September, we moved to KS2 and we have really embraced the changes that this brought but this term we are taking that one step further... Our topic (across the whole school) for the first 2 weeks is Dinosaurs. I know what I want you to learn, but I will be asking you how you want to learn it. You will be able to work with your talk partners in pairs and groups to tell Mr Asplin, Miss Mann and myself what sort of activities you would like to do that you think will help us to achieve our learning goals for this topic. It's all about taking responsibility for your own learning!
For the rest of the term we will have 2 science topics to follow - Earth Rocks! and Food and our Bodies. To take more responsibility for our learning we will be completing some 'Un-Homework'. I will give you the area of learning and as a class, you decide on how this should be set as homework!
We will be programming in ICT, designing a balanced meal in Design and Technology and continuing our work with Mr Eshelby in Gymnastics and tennis. I can't tell you any more than that at the moment, as YOU haven't decided yet HOW you would like to learn these things!
One thing is for sure, by the end of this term in Literacy, we will have written a script for our joint performance with Mrs Young and Year 4 at the end of Term 4. Oh, didn't I tell you? That is something else that you have responsibility for in KS2 - you write your own performance! I can tell you that we will be using the works of Charles Dickens as a basis to build our script on, but the rest is up to you! Goodness me Class 3. I hope you have rested over the holidays - this is going to be a busy term!
Mrs White, Miss Mann and Mr Asplin