Term 3 Information
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and a big warm welcome to Term 3!
We are delighted with the children’s progress within the prime and specific areas of learning and continue to assess their development. Within literacy we are blending sounds and using our phonic knowledge to help read and write simple regular words. Fred is also going to teach us the Set 2 sounds and we shall begin to learn some of those naughty ‘red’ words. Listening to stories and comprehension, as always, features highly on our agenda. We are becoming familiar with numbers to 20 and simple calculations and shape properties will form part of our maths focus.
We begin the term by joining with the whole school Dinosaur topic and shall see where our imaginations take us! How very EXCITING! We have a visit from a palaeontologist to look forward to and will be going to see the Rutland Dinosaur (a Cetiosaurus) at New Walk Museum in Leicester.
PE continues to be on Friday morning – please ensure PE kit is in lockers (no plimsolls required yet). Access to outdoor learning is always a priority therefore children need warm coats, hats, gloves and wellies please.
Responsibility is our learning behaviour focus for the term; we will be looking after ourselves, our friends and our environment/resources.
This term our children will be introduced to ‘Fronter’ our virtual learning environment (VLE). This is a great resource for use in class to consolidate learning and will provide another opportunity for home/school communication and collaboration! The children will reveal all at our Internet café sessions (more details to follow).
With all this in store, I am sure this term will fly just as quickly as the others!
Finally, many thanks to you all for making our Christmas Family Learning Session so memorable - it was a very special occasion!