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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 4

Where in the Americas will you take me?


Did someone just say that Class 6 is visiting London this term?  Keep checking our website page for photographs later in the term.


Class 6 is going to be learning about Geographic Zones this term.  As part of this, we will focus on The Americas as well as learning the meanings and locations of some specific geographical vocabulary.  South America will be the focus for our textile Arts and we will classify animals and plants from both North and South America in Science.


In Literacy, we will be writing short stories with flashbacks and biographies of famous scientists.  In Maths, we will be learning about ratio and proportion as well as re-visiting transformations (translation and reflection), co-ordinates, factors, multiples and prime numbers, fractions, square numbers and interpreting data in graphs and charts…  not forgetting our targets too as well as other areas during Maths Blast sessions.


P.E. continues to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Weekly Maths homework will continue to be handed out on a Friday morning and be due back in school on the following Thursday.


Thank you. 


Mrs Schofield and Mrs Fry.

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