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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Vision, Values and Aims

'Discover, Nurture, Achieve'

The DNA of Whissendine CE Primary School



Our School Vision:
'Learning together in the light of God’s love'

Here at Whissendine C of E Primary School, our vision is to grow in strength through the joy of the Lord, to develop a lifelong love of learning and discover how, as a Christian community, we can make a difference in our world.

We aim to be a kind, caring community built on our Christian values of patiencepeace, forgiveness, friendship, trust and honesty.

We aim to be a school where:


  • Children DISCOVER, dream, enjoy and love learning.

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things…put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8&9)


  • Everyone is NURTURED, is proud of themselves and proud of their school.
    “We have gifts that differ in accordance with the grace that has been given to us, and we must use them appropriately" (Romans 12:6)


  • Everyone ACHIEVES, makes progress and individuality is celebrated.
    “In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing for the Lord, not for people.” (Colossians 3:23)


This is the DNA of Whissendine CE Primary School: Discover, Nurture, Achieve



Our 6Rs for Lifelong Learning

We aim for our learners to be able to show and live these values in everything they do.


  • Readiness – growth mindset, self-belief, enthusiasm
  • Respect – respect people and the environment, care for others and share ideas
  • Resilient - keep going, stay focused, manage your feelings, ask for help
  • Resourceful – learn with and from others, learn creatively in different ways, take on new challenges, be flexible, ask good questions
  • Responsible – ask for advice and act on it, be proud of your learning - take ownership, learn alongside others - collaborate
  • Reflective – learn from mistakes, listen to others, improve your learning, practise.



Our inclusive learning environment teaches our pupils to celebrate differences, help one another and promotes a culture of tolerance and mutual respect.  Our vision for each child is that they will work towards their personal best, in a caring atmosphere, which reflects our Christian Values and our British Values.


Across our School, we encourage our pupils to be inquisitive and passionate about their learning.  Christian Values and practice are at the heart of our shared life as a Church of England School and they shape an enquiring mind and respectful approach to everything around us.  We have strong, well-established links with our local Church (St Andrew's) and we seek to learn about and from other faith traditions in today's world.


We strive to develop confident, creative, self-assured, positive young people who love to learn, to contribute and to achieve.  We aim to produce independent thinkers and learners who are READY for 21st Century learning: Resilient, Responsible, Resourceful, Risk-takers, Reflective and Respectful learners.


We have a dynamic and high performing team of teachers, support staff, office staff, premises team and Governors who work with love, professionalism and a commitment to provide educational provision of the very highest quality.  There is tremendous team spirit - we are all committed to the success of our School and we always seek to put the children's best interests first.


We seek high levels of attainment and achievement in the core subjects and across a broad and creative curriculum.  We encourage strong community spirit, with consideration and support for each other.  We provide a warm, caring and Christian atmosphere in which children feel happy and secure and therefore receptive to learning.


Memorable learning experiences are at the heart of all we do.  Every child deserves to be successful and our role is to help them to blossom and to believe everything is possible!


Our vision is underpinned by a strong commitment to Personalised Learning: we call this the DNA of Learning at Whissendine CE Primary School.



At Whissendine CE Primary School, we:


  • Encourage pupils to develop an enquiring mind: ask questions, search for answers, draw conclusions and discuss outcomes.
  • Provide the opportunity to learn using a variety of techniques and experiences that will give the choice to select appropriately from a wealth of skills.
  • Encourage the pupils to grow in stature, confidence and self-esteem through encouragement, reward and recognition.
  • Cultivate a desire within our children to protect and care for the environment and contribute positively to the local community of which they are members.
  • Foster a healthy competitive attitude, a desire to be successful, a commitment to fair play and to appreciate and enjoy the pleasure of taking part.
  • Provide a wide variety of extra curricular activities from which the children may select, benefit and broaden their skills.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum to the highest possible standard of education for all children within our care through focussing on positive strengths, encouraging independent and collaborative learning and the development of high order skill that will enable them to lead full, caring and active lives.
  • Help the children to reach their full potential by providing relevant and challenging technological educational experiences, developing their self-confidence, self-discipline, positive self-image and care and respect for other people, their property and their feelings.
  • Develop the whole child by providing extra curricular activities, by welcoming community dignitaries who discuss their roles and by day and residential visits both in the local vicinity and further afield.
  • Build a partnership with parents so that they feel involved in their child’s education, as well as being able to approach staff for help and advice.
  • Develop an understanding of the needs of others through regular awareness days and fund raising events.
  • Keep all stakeholders, including the Diocese, and members of the School community informed through regular discussions, newsletters, information evenings etc and to gain their views and opinion through regular feedback.
  • Teach British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs. We promote these values through our own School values, curriculum and enrichment activities.

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