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Whissendine CE Primary School

10p Sale

Lots of planning went into the 10p Sale. Foundation Class were responsible for refreshments and Year 1 for the games. First we had to decide what we would provide for refreshments and, after much discussion, we decided on cakes, biscuits, popcorn, ice pops and drinks. Now we had to make 100 biscuits and 100 cakes so that everyone that came to the sale had the opportunity to buy one! It was very tricky to do all that baking and then not eat any ourselves. We also had to freeze all the ice pops and make the popcorn and drinks.  To make sure everyone knew about the sale we had to make posters to advertise it and put them up around the school.  Then the hard work began …..

The preparation

The day of the 10p Sale came around very quickly but thankfully we had ticked most of our jobs off the list! Each class came to visit for a 15 minute period starting at 1.30pm and then we invited family and friends of the EYFS and Year 1 children to join us at 3pm. We had such a brilliant time. We had a rota for manning the stalls and each child took a turn displaying great responsibility and resilience. We were also able to take time to enjoy the sale ourselves and took turns at going off to explore.


Well done everyone for making the 10p Sale such a success!


We will let you know how much we made to donate to LOROS very soon!!

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