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Whissendine CE Primary School

Buckminster Estate - Royal Forestry Society

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Buckminster Estate!  We met Jemma Cuthbert, who is a Teaching Trees Education Officer for the Royal Forestry Society and we watched a tree being felled by hand-held chainsaw and the use of a 'forwarder' (tractor with a bit that grabs and moves the logs).  We also met the forester.  


We were able to explore the wood and collected 'colours from nature' (small pieces of leaf, flower, grass of various shades etc. no bigger than the nail of our little finger) to place on a strip of card we were each given.  There was lots of talk around identifying what we had found. We listened to the woodland sounds and when Jemma made the bird call of a chaffinch with a toy bird, a real one called back!  That was very special.  After a short snack we participated in free choice activities of forest art, minibeast hunt and natural treasure hunt.  Unfortunately, as always when you are having a good time, our session came to a close far too early!  

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