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Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely summer.
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Whissendine CE Primary School

Easter Homework (Optional)

Due to several families speaking to me about SATs papers, I have decided to upload the papers here for you to have a go, if you would like to. This is optional; I will not be marking them if you choose to do them.


Despite SATs being cancelled this year, these papers are still an excellent form of practice and assessment - to look back over the last 7 years of your education and see what you can do! Remember, these do NOT test everything and they certainly do NOT tell you whether you are 'smart' or 'intelligent' or just absolutely awesome.


You all had been working very hard towards these and I know that some of you felt disappointed at not being able to complete them this year, as many brothers/sisters/cousins/parents have done so before. Therefore, if you would like to have a go at one paper or the full set, please find them below. 


At the very bottom of the page, you will find the answers to mark them. When we return, if you do wish to send me an email about how you got on, or even if you wish to ask me why a particular answer is correct (or incorrect), then let me know and I will be happy to go through it with you. 


Have a wonderful Easter and prepare for a great term of remote learning, starting Monday 20th April 2020!

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