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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Forest School

Brilliant afternoon at Forest School where we met Emma, the Forest School leader.  We started our visit with 'sticky feet'. We all stood in a circle with wellies touching and counted how many people, including the teachers, there were altogether. Emma told us about the 'boundaries' where we could go and where we couldn't go.  She also told us the 'no pick, no lick' rule. Percy wasn't in his shed today (perhaps he was off mending something) we might see him next time.  We sat in base camp and played 'rabbit, rabbit, fox' to remind us of the rule to step out of the circle (ask your child why).  So then we explored, climbed, ran, made mud pies, stacked logs, sat in the biggest birds nest ever and hid in dens, showing great resilience. Excellent challenges for our gross motor control.   Can't wait to go back! 



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