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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Forest School

What a brilliant time we had at Forest School! We met Emma and her new dog Duggie, changed into our wellies and headed off to the wood. I was really impressed by how independent all the Year 1's were, changing their boots and looking after their own things. We were allowed to run to the gate before making a sticky toes circle. Emma talked to us about the Forest School rules: no pick, no lick and stop at the boundary.

Then the children were allowed to make their own way to base camp, where we sat together for a snack and chat. We talked about Winter in the wood and how we would know what season it was. Then Emma showed us lots of cuddly animals who needed cosy homes for the Winter. We headed off in groups to make dens for the foxes, badgers, hedgehogs and rabbits. Great team work and resourcefulness Class 1!

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