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Whissendine CE Primary School

Island adventure!

What a brilliant day! A huge thanks to Oakham School for organising our island adventure and providing minibuses, canoes and instructors for us all.

All the children were very resourceful, looking after each other and listening carefully to instructions. They were all able to take part in 3 activities and made the most of the opportunity to spend the day outside exploring and playing together.

One activity was to check if the land in the middle of the lake was really an island by canoeing all the way was!

Another group were able to pull themselves along the rope to land on the island, look around and toast marshmallows on a campfire.

The final activity was to head into the woods to make memory sticks by collecting interesting things to tie on to a stick.

We saw red kites, nests on the island complete with eggs, all sorts of bugs, slugs and spiders, an amazing variety of leaves, grasses and wild flowers and even a dragonfly came to join in.

All the children should be very proud of their achievements today, I think Katie Morag would be impressed!

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