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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Lownsby Newtown

The residents arrived this morning to some surprising news!


Press Release – Anglian Water

Residents of Lownsby,

Following further geological searches and the search for appropriate land, the decision has been made to go ahead with the flooding of Lownsby to extend the Retland Water Reservoir. 

The proposal is for the residents and businesses of Lownsby to be relocated to land north of the Reservoir where a series of new developments will be built onto existing mature land.  The suggested development will include a new school and town hall along with a sports centre, supermarket and health centre.  The existing mature land includes a derelict church which, it is proposed, will be redeveloped as well as an area of mature apple trees and existing farmland.  The new development will be called Lownsby Newtown.

All residents of Lownsby are invited to a meeting at the current school on Monday 21st September 2015.


Anglian Water

So a village meeting was held...

Questions were asked...

... and plans were made.

We decided where we wanted to live and then set about designing our new homes. Nets were made to fold into 3D shapes...

...then the fun started! Welcome to the village of Lownsby Newtown!

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