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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


Lights, Camera, Action!


I can’t quite believe that we have reached the end of another school year – where did the time go?


Team 6 can look forward to another full-on term of learning. Last term, we pitched to Lord Sugar and his associates and we now have an overall Enterprise team name: ‘Team Square’. We will need to order the products, and begin the printing process, in preparation for selling them after our production… Haven’t you heard? This year’s Year 5/6 production is titled ‘Rock-in!’. We’ve already choreographed two show-stopping dances so this term, we will focus on polishing our stage performances as well as designing and making props, the set, tickets, programmes – the list is never-ending.


When we’re not being Rock Gods, we’ll be focusing on our Topic ‘Where in the World’. This Topic has many cross-curricular links between Geography, Science, Art and DT. In addition to this, we will learn about religions in our community and consider the issues of religious diversity and community cohesion. Computing will focus on e-safety and there will be extra Science sessions focusing on diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyles. These two curriculum areas have an important place as the Team are developing into young adults and will need to be well-informed in order to make the right choices.


P.E. continues to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays and beating our personal bests, in the weekly 1-minute challenge, is something that we will be aiming for each week.


Remember that we have Forest School and Rutland Watersports to look forward to as well – we’ll be exhausted by the end of the term and ready for a well-earned Summer break.


Thank you.

Mrs Schofield.

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