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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


Term 4 in Class 3 - I'm Late! I'm Late! For a very important date!


Look what we can pack into such a short term.  Are you holding onto your hats? Because here we go...


A trip to Oakham school to experience a real stage, lighting box and backstage area... Learning about how to set the scene for a story by showing the reader clues rather than telling them... Place value revision as well as mental and written methods of adding and subtracting in maths (that's mental as in 'in your head' rather than mental as it 'running around the classroom like a mad thing!)... Using our De Bono hats (we told you to hold onto them) to think about thinking... Painting scenery... Preparing props... Learning dances... Perfecting songs... Rehearsing... Performing... Poetry... Easter... Sport... French... Cooking with Aspens... World Book Day... A tennis training session... And then collapsing in a heap at the end of it all after WOWING you with our amazing take on Alice in Wonderland! Do you think that you can keep up?  


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