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Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely summer.
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Whissendine CE Primary School


Can you believe that this is the last term in Year 3?  That those little scared faces who had just started in Key Stage 2 are heading off to continue their journey into Year 4 - shoulders back, heads high and full  of confidence!


Let's make it a good one then Year 3!  Let's go out with a BANG! With a term entitles 'We are the Champions!' - because after all, that is EXACTLY what we are!  


We have already started the term with our Olympic Day and as I type, we are preparing to celebrate the Queen's birthday with an art day!  This term also holds a French Day in store and of course Sports Day,  plenty of opportunity to show what Champions we are!  In maths we are learning more about time and of course times tables as well as practising the addition, subtraction and multiplication methods that we have been learning over the last few terms.  We are persuading and letter writing in literacy and will be learning about the history of the Olympic Games during our history sessions.


In Science we will 'feel the force' when we learn about friction and gravity as well as magnetism and in art we are on the road to Rio by learning about, and copying the style of, a Brazilian artist called Romero Britto.


Don't forget that we will be practising out Olympic swimming skills on a Friday morning for the rest of this term as well.  It is going to be a brilliant term with lots of hard work, smiles and, by the end, a few tears and goodbyes.  Class 3 - you really are CHAMPIONS!

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