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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


The colours of the leaves outside our windows are changing in fact, so is the view!  How exciting to return to school and see the new building – we watched the holes being dug, saw the hedgehogs that were rescued and now we can see the exciting addition to the school building – I wonder if we will get a chance to have a look around?


This term is split into two chunks for Class 3.  During the first ‘chunk’ we will continue with our history topic on Invaders and Settlers.  We know where they came from and why they came but now we will look at how they got here and how Britain changed because of their arrival. We will look at the evidence left behind and what it tells us about them and in art and design technology we will be designing and making our own Viking brooch from clay.   The second ‘chunk’ will have an RE and Science focus when we look at light, reflections and shadows and question whether Christmas is a festival of light, love or both.


Throughout the term we will continue to work with Mr Barlow for ICT and Mr Eshelby for Games on Thursdays when we will try our hand at computer programming and will continue to learn the skills required to take part in team games.  We will also have PE outside on Tuesdays when we are lucky to have a FA coach working with us on our football skills.  Both sessions of PE will be outside this term – so don’t forget your warm kit and outdoor trainers!  To add to the mix, Mrs Evans will lead 3 sessions of Yoga towards the end of the term.


Mrs Honerez will be helping us to improve our French and in literacy we will complete our newspaper report of the BFG having breakfast with the Queen before moving onto looking at alternative versions of fairy tales by reading ‘The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs’.  Your writing in T1 was EXCEPTIONAL Class 3!  Keep it up!  If we can fit it all in, we will finish the term’s literacy with a unit on poetry.


In numeracy we have been securing our understanding of number and place value and looked at using a formal column method for addition.  We managed to use numbers up to three digits and carried numbers between the columns!  Maths Geeks and proud of it! This term we will reinforce this understanding before looking at the ways we can subtract numbers from each other. 


Homework and spellings will continue to be handed out on Monday and they will be tested (the spellings) and collected in and checked (the homework) on the following Monday.  Please make sure that you use Times Tables Rockstars to practice your tables, you all have passwords and log in details and so there is no excuse for not reaching Rock God status!


On top of all of that there is a little thing called Christmas that will be upon us before we know it – I’m sure we will fit in some craft here and there, a few carols, a church service, a trip to the pantomime if we are very lucky and who knows, if we are very good, maybe a party? 

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