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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


Happy New Year!


I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas! On behalf of Mrs Redmond and myself I'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU!' for all the beautiful gifts we received! We felt thoroughly spoiled!


This term is so exciting - as by the end, we will have written the play that you will then see us perform at the end of Term 4!  This is a big change as the children enter Key Stage 2 as, up until now when they have been involved in a performance, they have been given lines to learn and a costume to wear.  In KS2, the children learn about play scripts as part of their work in literacy - we have started already and in a matter of only 4 days we know the difference between dialogue (the speech) and stage directions (the action) - and then are responsible for working with Mrs Young's Year 4s to write the scenes (dialogue and action) for their own performance!  Not only that but they will design and make the scenery and props, choreograph the dances and plan and coordinate the costumes - the end of this term involves workshops with our Y4 colleagues where we learn all that we need to be able to do this. An all round, totally amazing experience - and of course, to kick start the whole thing, we will be visiting the Curve Theater in Leicester to see 'The Twits'.  


In maths we are concentrating on multiplication and division - with a focus on the 3x, 4x and 8x tables - we can already 'bang out' our 3 x tables loud and clear!  By the end of the term we will be setting out these calculations in a more 'formal' method - well, we have made the leap into column addition and subtraction, I think that we can probably manage multiplication as well - we are proud maths geeks after all!


We will be learning about plants in science (you didn't plan that on every well did you Mrs White - it's winter!) and what they need to grow and in Geography we are thinking about the local area - Rutland - small but beautiful!  Mrs Honorez is teaching us music this term , Mrs Redmond is leading art and Mr Eshelby will be taking us outdoors (warm kit please!) for games on Thursday afternoons (I have pulled rank and I get to stay inside in the warm for gymnastics on Tuesday afternoons.) 


Another busy term but then, I don't think that we would want it any other way.  


Mrs White x

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