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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School


Welcome back to a blustery autumn term and I hope that you had a restful break.  Class 3 will be continuing with our work on Ancient Egypt for the first part of the term and will extend this learning into our design technology sessions where we will be designing and making our own Egyptian mummies and sarcophagi.  Our topic for second part of the term, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear, will be Christmas but with an RE slant, in particular looking at what Christmas means to Christians as a festival of light and love.


The light theme continues in science where we will be considering sources of light and how shadows are made.  Mr Eshelby will be taking games lessons on Tuesday afternoon (don’t forget those warm outdoor kits – the weather is getting colder) and dance will be on Wednesday morning.  Mrs Honerez will also be teaching French on Tuesday afternoons.


In literacy we are becoming journalists and after we identify the main features of newspapers, we will be using them to create articles of our own… I’m sure that something amazing will be happening in Lownsby Newtown that will need to be reported in the Lownsby Times.  In numeracy we will be shifting our target focus away from addition and making sure we understand the links between that and multiplication which will become our new target.


Holding all of this together will be our whole school focus on ‘Resilience’.  We may find things a struggle sometimes but this is part of being a great learner and we never give up!    


Mrs White

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