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Whissendine CE Primary School

Our Curriculum

At Whissendine CE Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum (2014).  This starting point provides our teachers with the essential knowledge that needs to be imparted as well as freedom to design a curriculum that is creative, engaging and exciting for our children.  Our curriculum is planned using themes, with each term's learning having a 'Big Question' which drives the teaching and learning experience.  Subjects are taught discretely and where appropriate meaningful links are made, across subjects, so that children can revisit prior learning as well as make connections in their learning journey. 


Literacy and Numeracy are taught as discrete subjects but, where possible, they are linked to the term's theme.  Previously learnt areas of Literacy and Numeracy are also revisited through other curriculum subject areas so that our children can apply skills in a meaningful context.


As a Church of England school, we teach Religion and World Views (RWV) following the New Peterborough Diocese Agreed Syllabus.


The 'Big Picture' of our curriculum (below) shows our Intent, Implementation and Impact.  Each subject also has its own 'Big Picture' (below) and each subject has a progression planner document (below).  Some subjects have unit overview documents too (below).



At Whissendine CE Primary School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 


Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our Special Education Needs Information Report, Equalities Policy as well as our Accessibility Policy.


Please find our Long Term Plans/Curriculum Offers and Medium Term maps on our individual class pages (Children, Class Pages) and/or speak to your child's class teacher.  Click here for direct access to our individual class pages.
Big Pictures

Progression Planners

The vision and aims of our school





We want our children to become Resilient, Responsible, Resourceful, Reflective and Respectful citizens who are Ready for learning.


Being resilient means sticking at it – even when the going gets tough.
Resilient learners: Persist, display patience, have a positive attitude and feel joy, stay involved in their learning, set targets and practice.

Being responsible means looking after yourself and others.
Responsible learners know right from wrong and make good choices, are honest, show empathy and kindness and think ahead.

Being resourceful means knowing what to do and where to go when you get stuck.
Resourceful learners show initiative, learn in different ways, ask good questions, involve others in their learning, take risks.

Being ready for learning means making sure you are in the right frame of mind and all your needs are met.

Learners who are ready feel safe, display self-control, manage their time and looking after their body.

Reflective learners are curious and honest, can describe their progress, listen to and learn from feedback and learn from experience. 

Being respectful means being tolerant of others and empathising with their point of view.

Respectful learners are honest and stay true to their beliefs, show loyalty and faithfulness, are kind and polite and will share what they have with others.


In addition to these learning attributes, our curriculum will:

  • Ensure that our Christian values are at the core of everything we do and what we stand for
  • Restore and affirm our school's Vision, Values and Aims - core purpose
  • Improve pupil engagement in the classroom
  • Improve confidence, progress and achievement
  • Re-vitalise staff pedagogy
  • Improve attitudes to learning: self-esteem/personal fulfilment
  • Develop transferable skills and attributes
  • Integrate learning more meaningfully with emerging technologies
  • Enhance assessment for progress - classroom pedagogy
  • Ensure a high status and profile is associated with creativity and creative thinking as well as high standards
  • Foster and promote pupil independence
  • Improve critical thinking – questioning, clarifying, examining, evaluating, reasoning
  • Improve decision making and problem solving skills
  • Generate more reflective teachers and learners
  • Provide higher levels of student self awareness and a vocabulary of learning
  • Enhance student feedback and reporting
  • Provide a mechanism to involve parents and families more meaningfully



"Excellent teaching gives children the life chances they deserve...  

Enjoyment is the birthright of every child. The most powerful mix is the one that brings the two together. 
Children learn better when they are excited and engaged - but what excites and engages them best is truly excellent teaching."





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