PC Laurie Appleton
Our local super hero, PC Laurie Appleton, came to visit us this afternoon. Laurie showed us his uniform and we talked about his protective clothing (we were also able to try the jacket and helmet on if we wanted to!!) Laurie explained how he uses different pieces of equipment such as his walkie talkie and body warm camera.
We spoke about how long it takes to train to initially become a police officer and about the continuous professional development.
The children really wanted to know how Laurie caught 'baddies' that got away really quickly, so he also told us about police dogs, helicopters and new police drones!
Laurie had an important message about being able to ask him for help at anytime and that he was a special adult that children could approach if they needed to.
We finally had a sit in the back of the police van - in a very special area!!!
Thank you for taking the time to come and visit us Laurie! Very much appreciated!
Scroll down to see our photos ..... keep scrolling to hear the siren!
high five!

cover your ears!