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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 1

Settlers and Raiders


Welcome back!  I hope you all had a lovely Summer and are feeling refreshed and raring to tackle the year ahead.


The Y6 Team have already made a brilliant first impression and look more than ready to dive into their roles as the examples to be followed.

We have a busy first term…  Loads of new and exciting learning opportunities as well as many exciting visits and trips (look out for the letters).  This term’s learning is focused on the first aspect of our historical topic which is the Anglo-Saxons.  To add sparkle to the start of this learning, we have a specialist in school who will lead various workshops and bring some artefacts in for the children to explore.  Our text in Literacy will link to this period in history and will enable us to become better at writing legends.  In Art and Computing, we will be investigating geometrical patterns so that we can create our own piece of Anglo-Saxon jewellery.  Science stands alone this term and will focus on light and how we see.


In Maths, we will be working extremely hard at developing in our fluency as well as reasoning.  We will be deepening our knowledge skills and understanding in concepts such as: number and place value (saying the value, ordering and rounding involving decimal numbers), the order of operations, measurement (converting, area and perimeter and solving problems), fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing involving proper fractions and whole numbers) and algebra (using simple formulae and expression). 


Homework continues to be an extremely important part in your child’s learning.  Daily reading remains a focus with the emphasis on developing your child’s comprehension skills.  Recall of all times table and related division facts will be an integral part of your child’s learning too; there will be a one minute challenge every Thursday morning – please encourage your child to practise each evening by jumping around the challenge.  Weekly Maths homework will be linked to the week’s learning and may involve aspects that your child has found tricky so please help them with this.  Finally, each term, there will be a project linked to an area of learning.


P.E. is timetabled on Wednesdays and Thursdays so please ensure that your child has a full kit in school suitable for both indoor and outdoor sports.


If you ever need speak to me, please feel free to pop in either before or immediately after school.


Mrs Schofield.

White Hall 2016

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