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Happy New Year, wrap up warm, we are excited to see you all.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 1 - Who do you think you are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

What are your special qualities?

This term we are investigating our local area.  We shall be learning how to read maps, make our own and learn about the physical and human geography of our school and our county.

We will be going out walking around the village to look at what facilities Whissendine has and then rounding off the topic by heading to our county town to visit the Castle and look at the different facilities available in Oakham.  


Our science work this term will focus on learning how to look after our bodies, what things we can eat to keep us healthy.  We shall be learning the names of different bones and organs in our bodies.  

In maths we start off our year looking at the value of numbers, counting and addition.  We shall be learning how to draw our maths ideas and prove our theories.  

Our literacy this term will focus on recount writing, instructions and poetry.  The children will learn different writing styles and very excitingly they will be learning joined handwriting.  We shall be working on spelling high frequency words first and then begin on learning rules for spelling.


Homework will be given out on a Monday and due back the following Monday.  Please could the children always bring their reading folder into school each day and change their reading books as they need to.  

PE will be on Monday and Friday.


Any questions always pop in to ask.




Check out our skeletons made from pasta!  We followed the instructions to make the skeletons but then the instructions got lost so we had to write them again! Nightmare but luckily we managed!   



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