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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 2

Welcome back everyone. The countdown to all things Christmas has begun! I hope you all had a fantastic break and that you are refreshed, invigorated and ready for an action packed term.

We have two topics this term. Initially we will be continuing with the Topic ‘Anglo Saxons and Vikings’, which the children are really enjoying. There has been an interesting discovery in the village which will provide us with an opportunity for writing in a journalistic style. After that, our focus will switch to our RE Topic – Spirituality through the Arts. This topic also provides lots of opportunities across the curriculum. In Literacy, we will be composing Haikus, using our interpretation of the Spirit as stimulus. In Art, we will be creating a collage to represent what the Spirit means to us. Class 4 learning for Term 1 also includes:
Literacy –  Non chronological reports and Letter writing.

Maths – our target lessons will focus on addition and subtraction then moving onto multiplication for this term. Of course, we will be completing our minute challenges on ttRockstars to help the speed up the recall of our times tables.

Science – Sound!

PE – Games and Yoga. Please remember your PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday. We have a football coach coming in every Tuesday which should be a brilliant experience.
L2l – It’s all about resilient ‘Bucket Filling’! We had a great first term as bucket fillers so I have high hopes this term too.
As you are aware, this year, we are concentrating on becoming independent learners, focussing on being resilient and making the right choices. We will continue to award a rosette to the Independent Learner of the week.


We will keep you updated on our progress...

Mrs Young, Mrs Mould and the Year 4 team.

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