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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 2

Behind the Mask!

There’s loads to look forward to this term…


Ancient Egypt continues to be the key historical drive behind the beginning of the term’s learning and then we switch to Christmas! 


In Literacy, we will be writing as mythical storytellers and as persuaders.  We will analyse Ancient Egyptian myths, create our own mythical characters and write stories fit for an Ancient Egyptian audience.  Right now, in Ashlby, there is an excavation taking place; who knows what might be unearthed later in the term that will cause a stir amongst the community and create much debate.


We will be Artists and Designers this term.  Hopefully, the holiday ‘Brilliant Beginning’ has got the team’s attention and they’ll be raring to go with their creative design and artistic skills.  As a result of this, they should be able to reveal who is actually behind the mask.  Our silhouette paintings will be completed too so that, towards the end of the term, you will be invited to share the team’s learning and successes.


In Maths, there is still a huge focus on formal written methods for all four operations involving whole and decimal numbers and fractions.  In addition to this, there will continue to be a big push towards learning all of our multiplication and associated division facts so that our rapid recalls improve.  Mathematical concepts that will be covered throughout the term will include: converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions so that we can order and compare a range of different fractions; time - analogue and digital, converting between and calculating intervals between; square and cube numbers; perimeter; mean; percentages and co-ordinates.  Phew!


All aspects of homework continue to be very important.  Spelling homework will be handed out on a Monday and should be completed and returned by the following Monday.  Learning the spelling patterns/rules each evening is extremely important so that they can be applied across the curriculum.  The 1 minute challenge will take place on a Friday and a short, sharp, repetitive burst each evening should ensure that personal bests are improved.  Reading continues to be a priority – reading aloud and reading comprehension.  If your child could complete his/her reading record, and have it signed by an adult, at least three times per week, this would be greatly appreciated as it supports the learning and expectations that are taking place in school.  Also, there will be a termly project/task that will be linked to a class topic.  Finally, there will be weekly Maths homework, which will be linked to either targets or to an aspect of the week’s learning that your child has found tricky.  This will be handed out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday.  


Your child will need a full P.E. kit in school on Mondays and Tuesdays.


If you ever need to speak with me, I am available before 08.45, in the morning, or immediately after school.


Mrs Schofield.   

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