Term 2 Information
Welcome to Term 2!
We are pleased that the children have settled so well into school life and are very excited to begin our second term at school! The EYFS Prime Areas; Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Communication and Language remain the key context for our learning. We continue to assess the children’s sound knowledge and will, this term, complete our first teaching cycle of Set 1 Sounds! Visualization of numbers forms the basis of our maths focus. We would like to invite you to an informal meeting to share the next steps in our phonic programme on either Tuesday 26th November at 5.30pm or Wednesday 27th November at 2.45pm. A notice will be put up within our morning ‘settling in’ time for you to sign up for the time most convenient to you nearer the date.
Our topic for the term is ‘Special Times’ and we have many of them ahead. We will explore Guy Fawkes and the tradition of bonfire night and we are walking to our village church to take part in activities to help understand the meaning of Remembrance Day. As another special time draws near, we will be expressing ourselves through music, dance and drama and are beginning to learn the songs for our Nativity performance. Our ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ will commence on 1st December – the children will tell you all about it!
PE this term continues on Friday morning, please make sure your PE kit is in your locker! We consider physical development crucial in optimising the children’s future learning potential so we access our outdoor learning environment at all times – the door is always open! Therefore please have a pair of wellies in school together with appropriate waterproof coat (hats and gloves as the weather gets colder are also a bonus!) NO SCARVES PLEASE.
On Monday 9th December each child will invite a ‘special person’ i.e. mum, dad, granny, uncle or grownup friend to join them for some one-to-one festive activities at school from 2.30 – 3.30pm – invitation to follow.
On Tuesday 10th December we are going to Rutland Museum for a morning of activities to explore ‘Christmas Past’.
Monday 16th December is the date for the EYFS & KS1 Christmas party – details TBC
On Friday 20th December we shall be going to church, with the rest of school, to take part in the Christmas Service
Everyone welcome!
Respect is our learning behaviour focus for Term 2, we are learning to respect each other and understand that we deserve to be respected too! With all this and a pantomime in the school hall funded by the Parents Association to look forward too, we have a very exciting term ahead!
Thank you for all your support!
Tuesday 26th November Phonics Presentation 5.30pm
Wednesday 27th November Phonics Presentation 2.45pm
Weds 4th / Thurs 5th December Nativity Performances 5.30pm each night
Mon 9th December Christmas ‘special person’ event 2.30 – 3.30pm
Tuesday 16th December Christmas Jumper Day
Friday 20th December Christmas Service at St Andrews Church, Whissendine
Further information regarding these events to follow.