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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3

Simply the Best!


No, I’m afraid Tina Turner is not visiting Team 6 this term nor will Mrs Fry or I be wearing wigs and high heels, singing our hearts out in the hall – sorry!


This term, the team are learning about how they have become to be the best through evolution and inheritance, in Science.  We’ve already discovered where the snakes’ legs went through our Brilliant Beginning and, on Tuesday, we had our Sparkling Start when we were Slime Scientists – there was quite an air of excitement in the room at the mention of slime and mucus!


In Art, they will look at the great impressionists’ work and learn their skills in painting so that they can achieve exact representations of colour and tone and attempt to capture the effects of light.  In Music, Mr Barlow will be exploring the great 20th Century musicians/composers so that the ‘Sound of Music’ emanates from the Stig!  Our Computing skills will be taken to another level when we develop in our use of Scratch.


P.E. remains timetabled on Mondays and Tuesdays so a full kit should be in school on those days.  All aspects of homework remain the same too.


To be the best, you have to work hard and, this term, we are going to be notching aspects of Maths and Literacy up a gear so that we can be ‘Simply the Best’.


Thank you for your support in this when helping your child to learn his/her times table facts, and spelling patterns as well as helping to develop his/her reading comprehension.


Mrs Schofield.

Spot how many photographs have been bombed... Who is the champion bomber?

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