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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3

Intruder Alert


Happy New Year! I hope you all had a peaceful, relaxing break that has left you feeling re-charged ready for the year ahead!


This term will get off to a suitably sparkling, electrifying start when we join Marvin and Milo to explore some super, exciting Science investigations. Electricity will run at high levels of voltage in Class 6 this term as we learn all about circuits, circuit symbols and drawing circuit diagrams (to name just a few areas). We will apply our scientific knowledge, skills and understanding in DT when we will need to protect our village houses because of a recent spate of burglaries.


In Literacy, we will take on an apocalyptic theme as we pick apart flashback texts so that we can improve our writing skills even further.  In Maths it’s full steam ahead as we make sure we’re in tip-top condition, ready for May. We will be re-visiting concepts as well as learning new ones such as: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions including whole numbers, calculating intervals between positive and negative numbers, deepening our understanding of properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons so we can calculate missing angle sizes, ratio, percentages and, of course, continuing with improving our use of formal compact written methods for all four operations. Phew! Mr Asplin’s early morning Maths booster sessions will begin the week commencing 9 January and will continue right up until May.


We will also be developing our Computing and P.E. skills as well as developing in French. P.E. continues to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays so please ensure that your child has a full indoor and outdoor kit, in school, at all times. Homework continues to be handed out on Mondays (spellings) and Fridays (Maths).


Thank you.


Mrs Schofield and Mr Asplin.


Marvin and Milo

Science: We have a question, Mrs Schofield...

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