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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3 & 4

Term 4 Homework


In term four year 1 children are sent home with a new set of high frequency word practice in their homework books each week. This gets set on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. This is the same as in the previous term. 


Alongside this the children have a handwriting booklet to complete which you can find attached below. The aim of this booklet is to last the children until the end of term four with an emphasis to practice little and often. 



In term 4 year 1 children begin spelling homework. New spellings are sent home each Monday to practice and are tested the following Monday. This means Homework books are only required in school each Monday. 


We use the year 1 common exception words from the National Curriculum. These words can often be tricky to spell as you can’t always sound them out. Use the Look, say, Cover, Write, Check grid to practice them.

Look: Look at the word spotting each letter in it, see if there are any tricky silent sounds.

Say: Say the word out loud, listen for the sounds.

Cover: Cover the word with something so you can’t see it.

Write: As you write the word, say it out loud again thinking of any sounds you spotted in it earlier.

Check: Uncover the word, did you get it correct? Tick in the box if so or copy the correct spelling down in the box.


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