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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3 - Dinosaurs!

This term we are travelling back in time to when dinosaurs were alive! We will start by reading the story 'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs' before tracking down all the dinosaurs that have escaped from Class 1's own bucketful of dinosaurs! We will be looking in our brand new school library to find dinosaur books and exploring which are stories and which are information books. We will try and learn as many dinosaur names as we can and notice all the similarities and differences. Drawing different dinosaurs, both in our sketch books and on the computer will help with this and we will also make our own dinosaur habitat and models from junk.

We were so impressed with the way the children got stuck into our London topic last term and can't wait to get started on all things dinosaur! Please do send in any books or models or anything related to our topic and look out for a dinosaur topic homework coming home next week.

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