Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and a big warm welcome to Term 3!
We are delighted with the children’s continuing progress within the prime and specific areas of learning. Knowing how physical development impacts on all areas of our children’s learning we continue to provide challenges for both gross and fine motor control. This term we will be taking part in Bikeability Balance sessions on Monday afternoons over weeks 2,3 and 4. This is delivered by qualified Bikeability Instructors employed by Rutland Council and they will provide the children with bikes and helmets. We also have a trip to Cheeky Monkees funded by our marvellous Parents Association on Thursday 12 January with our friends in Year 1 (more details to follow).
Within literacy we continue to learn set 1 sounds and are blending and using phonic knowledge to help read and write simple regular words. Fred will also start to introduce us to the RWI Set 2 sounds and we will begin to build a bank of some naughty ‘red’ (sight) words too. If you could provide lots of fine motor control activities at home (playdough, lego, jobs where we have to use fingers ie peeling an orange) to support the children’s muscle development this will really aid our growing ability to write. Listening to stories and comprehension, as always, features highly on our agenda. We are now becoming familiar with numbers to 20 - estimating, ordinal numbers and simple addition will form part of our maths focus. Taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch at the end of January will introduce us to various ways of recording data such as tally charts and graphs. 2d and 3d shapes will help us to build models and create patterns.
This term our topic is ‘Daring and Caring’ and we shall be having visits from members of the local community who are just that….. watch this space ……
Access to outdoor learning is always a priority therefore children need warm coats, hats, gloves and wellies please. No scarves thank you.
Responsibility is our learning behaviour focus for the term; we will be looking after ourselves, our friends, our pets, our environment and resources.
With all this in store, I am sure this term will fly just as quickly as the others!