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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 4

It’s Term 4! The excitement is building and the anticipation is unbelievable - it is the Year 3 and Year 4 Performance this term ‘Alice and her Amazing Adventures’.  Friends and family will have the opportunity to see it on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd March so put the dates in your diaries now!

This term is only five weeks but so much to squeeze in.  As part of the performance, we will be learning lines, acting, singing, dancing, painting, drawing along with designing and creating programmes and tickets using our computing skills. Wow! In Science, we will be learning about Electricity.  Dance will play a key role in PE to perfect our skills in time for the performance.
Class 4 learning for Term 4 also includes:
Literacy – we will be testing out our debating skills as we learn about persuasive language.

Maths – our target lesson will continue to focus on subtraction this term. Don’t forget to keep practising your minute tests!
PE – we will be doing Dance as I mentioned already  and  Gymnastics on a Tuesday so please remember your kit.
L2l – our focus is on being reflective learners.
As always, we have our Independent Learner of the week, which always creates great excitement and the progress has been incredible. Specifically, in line with our focus on Reflective learners, we will be concentrating on being reflective about our work, thinking carefully about the feedback we have been given and of course equally importantly, showing we act on it and improve.


We are looking forward to a fantastic term!


Mrs Young and Mrs Winn

French Spring song

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