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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 4 Information

Term 4 – already !!


We begin the term with a visit from the Fire Service (final member of our ‘caring and daring’ community to visit us). We are then going to immerse ourselves in all things dinosaur and become palaeontologists! How very EXCITING! We have thought of lots of questions to direct our learning. In the final week of term we will be going to see the Rutland Dinosaur (a Cetiosaurus) at New Walk Museum in Leicester.


We also have Pancake Day, World Book Day, Red Nose Day and further Balance Bike Sessions to look forward to. Tish Barnwell, the Road Safety Officer from Rutland Council will also be paying us a visit with some very important safety messages. Nearer the end of term; we will explore the Easter story.


Prime areas of learning are still very important as we introduce ‘reflection’ as the learning behaviour this term. We continue our Read Write Inc journey at our own individual pace and are beginning to read a few familiar naughty ‘red’ words. As we are introduced to the final set 2 sounds at the beginning of this term it will give us further choices when writing (see information in Learning Logs). Mathematics is present in everything we do (we always use real experiences as opportunities to further our understanding). PE continues Friday morning with bare feet again for this term. Thankfully the weather is changing for the better but it is still not warm enough to be outside for long periods without a suitable coat.


Foundation Class Parents Consultation meetings will be towards the end of term when we will discuss individual targets to help the children reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of their Foundation year and think about transition into Year 1 – more information to follow.

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