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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 4 Information

Term 4 – already !!     

Spring is nearly here and we shall be looking for signs in the outdoor environment, investigating the natural world with all our senses!  Our topic this term will enable us to be Nature Detectives and explore life cycles (we hope that there will soon be frogspawn in our ‘pond’) bug hunt and see what we can grow.  World Osprey Week 18-22nd March will soon be upon us and we will be tracking the progress of Rutland’s own Ospreys on their journey back from West Africa. 

We have a morning trip to Forest School to look forward to, Pancake Day, Red Nose Day and our EYFS friends from Ketton School will be coming over to join us for a day of activities. PC Laurie Appleton will be popping in to talk about Stranger Danger.   Nearer the end of term, we will explore the Easter story.

Prime areas of learning are still very important as we introduce being ‘resourceful’ as the learning behaviour this term.  We continue our Read Write Inc journey at our own individual pace and are beginning to read a few familiar naughty ‘red’ words.  Now that Fred has given us our Set 2 Sounds, we will have further choices when writing.  Mathematics is present in everything we do (we always use real experiences as opportunities to further our understanding) just how tall will Soopir Plant grow and how many eggs will our chickens lay each day? Our main PE session continues on Thursday afternoon and for the first three weeks we shall try our skills at archery!

Parents Consultation meetings will be towards the end of term when we will discuss individual targets to help the children reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of their Foundation year and think about transition into Year 1 – more information to follow.


Thanks for all your support!

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