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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 4 - Stories of Julia Donaldson

Please have a look at our planning for term 4.

We are going to be enjoying the brilliant books written by Julia Donaldson.

Scroll down to look at our homework challenge.

In Literacy we will:


  • Read and enjoy a wide range of stories written by the author Julia Donaldson. There are so many to choose from!
  • Look at the different illustrators that have worked with Julia Donaldson and compare their styles.
  • Look at the interesting ways that Julia Donaldson describes her characters. Experiment with using interesting adjectives in our writing.
  • Write interesting sentences about our news and activities making sure each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
  • Practise the correct letter formation and write on lined paper using finger spaces.
  • Continue to practice and use the set 3 sounds. Read real and alien words using all of our sounds.

As Mathematicians we will:


  • Look at money! We will learn to recognise and name all the different coins and notes and start to make amounts in different ways.
  • Count forwards and backwards to 100, starting from any number.
  • Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals.
  • Count in 2’s ,5’s and 10’s
  • Say one more and one less than a particular number.
  • Add and subtract one and two digit numbers including zero.
  • Read and write number sentences using addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.

As Scientists we will:

  • Classify the different creatures in the Julia Donaldson stories into their animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians
  • Sort junk into different containers based on the material it is made from.
  • Design our own gruffalo houses from junk materials and discuss the different materials used.
  • Plan our own floating and sinking investigation in preparation for making boats. Choose items to test, predict what might happen and record the results.

Stories of Julia Donaldson

Year 1 Term 4


Our R this term in school is being Resourceful.

We will be thinking about how the characters in the Julia Donaldson stories think creatively and resourcefully to solve problems and how we can use resources to help when we get stuck with our learning in school.


In PE this term we will be doing Games and Gymnastic

As Artists we will:

  • Carefully look at and compare the different illustrations in the Julia Donaldson books.
  • Choose the shapes, lines and colours needed to draw the different characters.
  • Select which colouring materials to use: provide pens, colouring pencils, sketching pencils, pastels etc

In Computing we will:


  • Use a paint program to draw a favourite Julia Donaldson character.
  • Learn how to switch on, log on and shut down the laptops.
  • Use the keyboard to type the title of a favourite story.
  • Use the I-pad camera to take photos and create our own jigsaws.

As Designers we will:


  • Choose dishes from the Gruffalo crumble cookbook. Think about making healthy choices and choosing a balance of sweet/savoury foods.
  • Explain why we wash our hands/wear apron/clean table.
  • Construct a Gruffalo den from junk materials.
  • Design, make, test and evaluate a boat made from junk materials.

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