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Dear Families, Chance to Share day is Wednesday the 8th May. Time slots for attendance: 9-9.45am 10.20-10.50am 2.15-3pm we look forward to seeing you.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 5

Wow. I can't believe it's term 5 already. Hold on to your hats class 5 because we are off the explore America. This term we will be investigating North, Central and South America and what makes them similar and different. We'll be using lots of geography and statistical skills to compare countries. Also, we'll be looking at Sikhism in RE and in literacy we'll be reading some classic literature set in America before the civil war. Our focus in numeracy this term is shape, angles, direction, position and movement. PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure you bring a water bottle to school everyday now that the weather is getting warmer.

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