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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 6

It’s Term 6 – our final term, how did that happen? Time flies when you are having fun…

This term our Topic is ’Going for Gold’, which is a really exciting especially with the Olympic Games taking place in Brazil this summer. Our focus will be on Olympic History. Understandably, this gives us so many opportunities to learn about different areas across the curriculum. Biographies of famous sports people will feature in Literacy and we will get a chance to create our own.  As part of our Science curriculum, we will investigate the digestive system and process of digestion along with creating healthy drink in DT.


Class 4 learning for Term 6 also includes:


Computing – We are Toy Designers! Class 2 will decide on their favourite designs as the children enter the Dragon’s Den at the end of term.
Maths – We continue to focus on our times tables with ttRockstars and of course, don’t forget to keep practising your minute tests!
PE – it’s time for Outdoor Activities this term every Tuesday and on Fridays we will continue going Swimming so please remember your kit.

L2l – our focus is on being respectful learners, an incredibly important attribute when working as part of a team.
This term our focus for Independent Learner of the week is being respectful learners, we are expecting to see lots of nominations on the board!


It’s going to be a fantastic term and we can’t wait to get started!


Mrs Young and Mrs Winn.

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