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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 6

Welcome back for the final term of Year 5 and what a busy term it will be.  The preparation for the Year 5/6 production goes into full throttle this term with sets to be designed and made, costumes sorted, lines to be learnt, dances choreographed, songs practised and instruments learnt.  It will be full on; thank goodness we have 7 weeks to get cracking!


The literacy this term will be based around some non fiction and poetry writing.  The class will be looking at explanation texts linked to our topic, manifesto writing to persuade others of how amazing we are and poetry to end the term.  

In maths the class will be revising key terms learnt over this year focusing on number work.  The four operations and problem solving will be the core of our lessons this term.  


The topic 'Where in the World', looking at the geographical features of North, Central and South America, will continue this term.  The class will focus on researching and comparing different countries and animals in there habitats.   We will look at endangered species and how to raise awareness to protect the animals we find out about. 

It is important the children have their PE every day at school as there will be multiple rehearsals and so PE will be at different times each week. 


Termly homework is linked below and spellings will continue this term but there will be no maths homework in order to allow children to learn their lines and parts for the production.  


Its going to be a great term and I look forward to working with the class.  Any issues please drop in to see me.


Mrs Glassford smiley

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