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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 6

Can you believe that it has all happened so fast? The year has accelerated away from us and here we are in our final term together.  But what a great term... the sun is shining, the birds are singing... cough, cough.  Let's try that again shall we? The birds are hiding, the rain is falling, never mind, it's summer in Class 3!


This term we are stepping back in time to learn about The Tudors.  Class 3 have already created some Key Questions that they would like to discover the answers to: Who were the Tudors? How long did they reign and how did that reign begin? What was the War of the Roses? Why did Henry VIII have so many wives? How did rich and poor Tudors live? Why did the Tudors explore the world?  I am sure that there were many more questions, many of them involving poo (I blame Horrible Histories for that!) but these were the ones that Miss Mann (our resident History specialist) and I thought best summed up that period of history.  We will also be using our DT skills to create a Tudor Purse as well, a bit of stitching here, a bit or trim and decoration there.


In science we are learning about Opposites Attracting (magnets) - how they are made, why, what and how they attract.  PE will be in Wednesday morning (athletics), so don't forget your kit and Friday morning (swimming) so don't forget your ..., well Class 3, you know by now what not to forget!  In RE we will be learning about the importance of Jesus in the lives of the Christian community and questioning 'is Jesus still important today?'.


You showed me last term how gruesome you can all be by choosing the story with the most blood shed in it - you quite quickly realised that the 'Myths and Legends' section of my story book contained the most blood and gore so in literacy I am embracing your gruesomeness and we will be learning all about Myths and Legends.  In maths this term, we will continue to embed our understanding of subtraction and multiplication but will be working on division so we can be confident in all 4 of the maths operations as we move into Year 4.


Add sports day and a sprinkle (please!) of sunshine and you have a busy Term 6.


Mrs White, Miss Mann, Mr Asplin and Mrs Cook 

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