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Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely summer.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 6

Lights, Camera, Action!


The final term of the year…  Hasn't it flown by!  The best has been saved for last and what an exciting one it is going to be!


Rehearsals and workshops, for the next big blockbuster (Shrekked!), will be in full swing as the Team prepare for their big stage debuts.  We’re so excited and cannot wait to share all our hard work with you in July.


The Team have already been involved in their Young Enterprise projects and we are extremely pleased to call ourselves ‘Team Quality’.  The winning logos were spectacularly creative and we can’t wait to get selling our merchandise later this term (look out for the letter).   


In R.E., the Team will be learning about how to live respectfully within a community that has multi-faiths.  In Science, we will be learning all about the circulatory system and how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle.  There will also be Sex, Relationships and Protective Behaviours Education and an e-safety session.  This learning has a huge emphasis on making the correct personal choices, understanding personal control and how to protect oneself within a number of social situations, which is particularly important for the Team as they prepare for transition to new schools and are developing into young adults.


P.E. continues to be on Mondays and Tuesdays and beating our personal bests, in the weekly 1 minute challenge, is something that we will be aiming for each Friday.  


Remember that we have Forest School and Rutland Watersports to look forward to as well – we’ll be exhausted by the end of the term and ready for a well-earned Summer break.


What a fantastic year we’ve had: we’ve worked really hard, we’ve had loads of laughs and we’ve all achieved so much.


Thank you.


Mrs Schofield.

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