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Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 6 Information

Term 6
Gosh Term 6 is here already! 
Our children have had a fabulous first year in school - SUCH a happy time and they have so much to look forward to in Year 1!
We are almost ready for Year 1 – almost – but we have lots of things to do first!
Our assessment this term will be of our children’s learning characteristics and their attainment across all Areas of Learning.  We will report their successes to families on their end of year reports next month.  The children have made amazing progress this year - they are responsible, resourceful and resilient learners, applying all their skills and knowledge showing they are most definitely ‘ready’ to learn!  This term we are helping the children begin their transition into Y1.  We will start to line up in the playground in the morning with the rest of school and we really appreciate your support with this big step!  The children will begin weekly transition visits to their new Y1 class every Friday afternoon and we are also working towards holding a ‘10p’ sale (with the current Year 1 children), in our outdoor area on the afternoon of Tuesday 28th June to raise funds for LOROS (put the date in your diary you will be invited along).
Lots of exciting things happening this term!  We start with an Olympic Launch Day and an art exhibition with afternoon tea to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday – did you get your invite?  We will be observing the wildlife in our outdoor area (bug hunting, bird watching and charming a few worms) together with monitoring the growth of our own chicks and tadpoles (where are those legs???)  We hope to be planting our vegetable seedlings and have weekly balance bike sessions to aid our co-ordination.  We have been invited to visit the members of the Melton & District Model Engineering Society to see their miniature railway at the Whissendine Sports Ground on Wednesday 22nd June and then of course we have French Day! 
• Can children please have PE kit and trainers/plimsolls in school at ALL times.
• If the weather gets hot (hopefully) please apply sun cream to children in the morning (the type that only needs to be applied once is VERY handy!)  They can apply their own through the day if need be.  The children have access to our outdoor area at all times and this is VERY important. We have a special tub where sun hats can be stored for easy access. 
• Extra bottles of water can be placed on the snack tray but children are able to use the water fountain in our class whenever they wish.

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