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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

The School's Wish List

Can you help?

At the start of each academic year, we ask the school what they would like.  These requests are prioritised by the school and, when we have the necessary funds, decisions are made on how we can offer support.


The Friends Association like to help the school to create the 'WOW' moments for the children but also recognise that a school's budget does not always cover all that a school needs.  With this in mind, we like to alternate between a 'WOW' spend and an 'essential' spend.


Should the request require a large amount of money, information about that request will be posted on DOJO so that the views of the whole association, all parents, can be considered.  If anyone has opinions for or against a request, we will ask that they are aired in the week between the DOJO post being made and the vote being cast.

What the school has requested support with:

  • Additional resources to supplement the Read Write Inc program what supports and develops phonics and early reading.  More children are needing the structured approach that RWI provides, than ever before, due to the disruption of Covid-19.  This is a well researched and produced scheme and the resources will support the children now and for many years to come.
  • Playtime Equipment - large chess sets, Jenga etc.  This will need to be safe, hard wearing and fade proof.
  • IPads for KS1
  • Recyclable and general waste bins for the children to use in the outdoor areas.



If you feel that you can support us, in anyway, to raise funds for these items or know companies that could help us, please get in touch.

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