Trip to Oakham Castle
We had a fantastic trip to Oakham Castle. Despite the snow, most of Class 1 made it to school and we headed off to Oakham. We spotted our first horseshoes on the huge gates on the way in and met Jane and all her staff, dressed up in outfits from long ago. She told us a bit about the castle and took us all inside for a puppet show about the lord and lady who used to live in the castle and the minstrel who lost some of the horseshoes. Luckily Class 1 were brilliant at finding the missing horseshoes, hidden around the castle.
Then we got a chance to make our own horseshoes, and to help make some gingerbread for our banquet. Once we had made crowns and dressed ready for the banquet, we had a visit from a lady who had brought a horseshoe to present and then we sat down to eat. We even got to have our packed lunches at the banqueting table and sit next to the Lord of the Manor!
It was a brilliant trip and the Castle staff had organised great activities just for us! A huge thank you to the parents who came to help, we really appreciate it!