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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

What are we learning about this term?

In Literacy we will:


  • Read and enjoy a wide range of stories with familiar settings.
  • Recognise and write capital letters.
  • Recap correct letter formation and write on lined paper using finger spaces.
  • Understand what makes a sentence.
  • Write sentences beginning with a capital letter and ending with a full stop.
  • Say, write and check our sentences make sense.
  • Continue with our daily programme of phonics in targeted groups.

As Mathematicians we will:


  • Recap counting forwards and backwards to 20, starting from any number.
  • Read and write numbers to 20 in numerals and words.
  • Say one more and one less than a particular number.
  • Add and subtract one digit numbers including zero.
  • Read and write number sentences using addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs.

As Scientists we will:


  • Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with which sense.
  • Carry out experiments linked to each sense.
  • Collect and record information on eye colour to make a pictogram.
  • Learn the names of different parts of the body and sing lots of fun songs about body parts!

Marvellous Me


Year 1

Term 1


As Historians we will:


  • Look carefully at baby photos of each other and our teachers.
  • Make a simple timeline of our life, starting from the day of our birth.
  • Use historical vocabulary such as, in the past, last year, when I was little.

In Computing we will:


  • Use a paint program on the laptop to draw a picture of our face.
  • Use a keyboard to type our name.
  • Learn about how to stay safe when using a computer.

In PE this term we will be doing Games and Gymnastics.


We will be starting French this term too.


We are focusing on being Ready to Learn, particularly being a good listener and sharing with our friends.

As Artists we will:


  • Look carefully at our bodies and have a go at drawing ourselves and each other.

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