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Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely summer.
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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Year 2

Daily Plan

Please hover your mouse over the task you wish to complete, you will then be able to access a Hyperlink, PDF document or PowerPoint slideshow with instructions for that particular task.

TimeWednesday 20th April 2022          TimeThursday 21st April 2022
9am - 10am

Maths Video

Maths Slides and Task

9am - 10am

Maths Slides 

Maths Task


10am - 10:55am 


Reading Comprehension



10am - 10:55am 


Reading Comprehension



11:10am -12:10pm


Literacy Task


11:10am -12:10pm


Literacy Slides and Task

1.10pm - 2:50pm


1.10pm - 2:10pm

Warm up


Cool Down


2:50pm - 3:20pm



2:20pm - 3:20pm



An Overview of Term 4's Learning

Term 4 Topic Homework - remember, only one task needs to be handed in but if you'd like to complete more, please do so.

Contact Details and Useful Links
