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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


I cannot wait to get started! We have an exciting year ahead with lots of new, exciting learning and topics to look forward to.

On this page you will find homework and learning information under each term.  


Spelling Homework

Spellings will be on a two week plan.  On the first Monday, children will be taught the new rule before receiving their list of spellings to practise and learn at home.  Spelling books then need to come into school on a Friday to be checked. On the following Monday, spelling books will be sent out again ready for the children to practise the same set of words but their homework will be to put each one into a sentence.  All spelling homework will be uploaded onto the website.


Maths Homework

Maths homework task will be sent home every Tuesday to be handed in on the following Monday. A paper copy will be sent out each week and, again, I will also upload a copy to the class page. We will also have time for TTRockstars each week and the children are encouraged to enjoy the app at home.



Children are to come into school in their PE kits. Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Please remember to wear the correct P.E. kit – navy/black shorts or joggers/leggings without logos, house- coloured t-shirt and trainers. Long hair must be tied back.


We are all looking forward to a super year!


If you have any questions, please DOJO me.


Mrs Young.

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