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Whissendine CE Primary School

Class 2


This week, we are looking at number sequences. We have decided on Success steps to help us work out what the missing or next number should be:

  • Are the numbers getting larger or smaller?
  • Are they all odd or even?
  • What is the difference between each number?


Have a look on Abacus for a new game and also try out these links to practise! Have fun smiley

15th June 2015: Maths Homework 


We have been learning about reflective symmetry this week. 

Please click on the link and choose the "symmetry" folder to practise some games on the I-Board cheeky


Have fun! 

Maths Homework (week beginning 8th June):


If you are working on "I can use ÷ and = when I divide numbers," have a look at this link:


All target groups, please have a go at these games to practise your division!


Have fun! surprise




DOES CHOCOLATE GROW ON TREES? This will be our last (and rather decadent!) topic in an exciting and jam-packed final term in Class 2! We have started off by tasting dark, milk and white chocolate (and discovering that a little bit of dark chocolate can actually be good for us!) We know WE don’t need any more excuses to indulge...


“Respectful” is our final R so we are linking our learning to Fairtrade and thinking about what is “fair” – we have already had some interesting discussions on the subject! We will also be finding places in the world where cacao trees grow (building on learning about plants and the world from last term) and researching how many of these countries (and others) speak Spanish.


In Literacy, we will be learning to write explanation texts about cacao beans and chocolate plantations, including information about how chocolate is made and how the Aztecs first got their hands on those amazing beans. We will also be writing some silly poetry and being ICT games testers to keep us relaxed and entertained!


Last but not least, we will be artists: chocolate and plant-inspired art and design, as well as creating Giacometti-style sculptures (maybe even from chocolate!) With Road Safety, Sports Day and all sorts of other fun to look forward to, we’re not quite sure how we’re going to fit it all in! Let’s hope the sun shines on us so we can enjoy this summer term to the full J


Mrs Honorez & Mrs Rowland


Island Life!

Katie Morag has inspired us to find out more about her life on a Scottish Island. We will be taking this further and comparing different parts of the world. Through a treasure hunt around the school we have already pieced together the 7 continents, seas and oceans.

Maya and 33 have also laid an egg!!! Yes, we are glued to the Rutland Water Osprey webcam. When will they hatch? Anna tells us it could be in three weeks’  time. How exciting! So, why do these beautiful birds travel all the way to Africa in Autumn?

Subtraction targets are under way and we have also been wondering who ate the other half of Mrs Rowland’s cake? That cake has motivated us to come up with nearly 20 different mathematical questions! How resourceful!

Spring is here!



This week, we have been estimating and measuring. Your maths homework is to visit the link below and have a go at some of the games to practise what you have learnt.

Go to the folder named "Estimating and Measuring." Have fun! smiley

Pull a funny face for charity


Fire! Fire! Somebody help us!  This term, we are travelling back in time and learning all about the Great Fire of London. Why was it so huge? Where did it spread? And why do we still remember it now? We’ll be using historical sources to find out more and each of us will be taking on the role of a character that lived in Pudding Lane when the fire began.


We’ll be able to link our Science topic of materials very nicely, thinking about properties of materials, those that burn easily and why the fire spread so rapidly. We’ll be making our own Tudor-style houses and, along with Class 1, we’ll setting fire to them at the end of term!! The fire brigade will be on hand to extinguish that fire! J


In Literacy, we’ll be writing diaries and our own traditional tales with a twist (linked to those 3 Little Pigs who built their houses from straw, wood and bricks.) All the while, we’ll be linking our learning to this term’s R “reflective” and always thinking about ‘why.’ We’ll be reflecting on our own work too, thinking how we can learn from our mistakes and always strive to do better.


Forest School this term will teach us more about materials in nature and we have a theatre trip and a drumming workshop to look forward to as well! As ever, a very busy term ahead!


Mrs Honorez and Mrs Rowland   


What a fabulous trip we had to the New Walk Museum in Leicester today!

Before we found out more about dinosaurs, we explored the "Animals and Habitats" exhibition: the children spotted animals that were well-suited to their habitat (linked to our learning in Science yesterday). They used microscopes, looked at facts and read about habitats on the computers. They also explored tunnels underneath the animals!! We also briefly visited Ancient Egypt, where we spotted mummies, learnt about the Afterlife and admired some hieroglyphics.

After lunch, we were joined by a museum guide who helped us to discover all about two main types of dinosaur, the Cetiosaurus (Rutland Dinosaur) and the Neovenator (a mini version of the T-Rex who was apparently equally terrifying!)

The children took part in activities:

1) Can you put the animals, dinosaurs and double-decker bus in order of size?

2) Can you create the jigsaw skeleton of the Cetiosaurus, then the “skin”jigsaw and then decide on the best colour for camouflage?

3) As activity 2, but for the Neovenator.

We discussed what we had learnt and added information to the "Evidence Boards." Then our lovely guide, Pam, introduced a selection of fossils. Children were given time to pass them round the circle and feel/discuss them. There was also a mystery fossil for them to guess (which turned out to be dinosaur poo! Yuk!) Finally, the children mimed the way the different dinosaurs would walk, eat, reach for leaves, hide and hunt for prey....and ended with a very loud ROARRRRRR! It was a really fantastic day and Pam was very impressed with what the children already knew! Great work Team 2! :-) 



Happy New Year to you all!

What a super break we had and how lucky we were with the snow. We do hope you all had a great break and spotted Father Christmas in the night sky on Christmas Eve. Thank you all for our lovely cards and presents. Our days have been filled eating chocolate, bathing in lotions and potions, drinking tea and the odd sip of wine!! You spoiled us…THANKYOU!


So……Would you like a dinosaur as a pet? Mrs Honorez certainly wouldn’t. Rumour has it, she was not too impressed when asked to hold some dinosaur poo! What an exciting way to investigate the very, very, very distant past! Well, after our super visit from dinosaur Mike, we are buzzing with facts and questions. Our imaginative story writing this term will be bound to be full of amazing descriptions and dangerous events! Maths targets are now multiplication. Let’s hope the eggs on the field do not start multiplying!


Class 2 appears to be growing forests and ferns but BEWARE as creatures lurk amongst the plant life and in weeks to come, class 2 IT technicians and clever designers will be making these dangerous and beautiful beasts move!!! Thank goodness this term is about responsible learners – people who look after the environment, take care of themselves and others, ask for advice and act upon it, think carefully about tasks before starting them and of course, make sure your work is the best it can be! A term topped off with a trip to New Walk Museum, Leicester in the final week is something to really look forward to.


Mrs Rowland and Mrs Honorez


It’s Term 2 already and our theme this term is “Capture the Moment” - we will be learning all about celebrations and ceremonies that take place throughout November and December. We have made a creative start to the term with a focus on Resilience (our new R) – we learnt to use templates, create mock-ups and sew a running stitch to create spectacular poppies for Remembrance Day. The children have learnt about the importance of this significant day and we will be recognising this in a special Armistice Day assembly on Tuesday 11th. We will be also using poppies as a starting point for some artwork this term, inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe.


The children will be researching other celebrations and events, including Christmas and celebrations from other countries and faiths such as Chinese New Year and Hanukkah. In Literacy, we will be writing information texts and learning more about poetry. Maths targets will continue to be linked to addition and the minute tests will change focus as the term progresses. We will keep you posted! P.E. will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays this term, so please ensure the children have their kit is in school (they will need tracksuit bottoms and trainers now the weather is getting colder and wetter).


Of course, the countdown to Christmas is already upon us! In R.E., the children will be learning about the Christmas story and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas; in I.C.T., the children will be taking and editing digital photographs, based around the story of The Night Before Christmas. In addition, the KS1 children will be performing their Nativity (10th& 11th December at 6pm). They will have lots of songs and some dances to learn so please encourage them to practise whenever possible!


If there wasn’t already enough excitement, we also have a trip to the Wildwood Cafe in Oakham to make pizzas (details to follow) and a trip to the pantomime on Monday 15th December (a huge thanks to the PA for organising and funding this for the children) Let the festive spirit begin!


Mrs Honorez, Mrs Rowland and all the team!  


What a wonderful start we have had, learning about our brains and how they learn best. We are Ready to Learn……………

Our shiny, new and beautifully blue classroom has been brought to life as we busy in our learning, collaborating, collecting our own resources, being brave, having a go, taking risks and helping 3 super new members of our class to settle in. Welcome to Olive, Honor and Lucas. We are thrilled you have joined us! 
 This term will also bring opportunities to travel back in time and consider how people in the past have made a difference to our lives today!

We are excited to be developing our skills as news writers and researchers and practising and learning new addition strategies. Knowing our targets and how to achieve them has already begun and how to celebrate may well involve our new  racing track!
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the week will be topped off with Drama during enrichment on Fridays!

Mrs Rowland, Mrs Honorez, Mrs King, Mrs Peace, Mrs Atton and Mrs Redmond

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