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Whissendine CE Primary School

Growth and Change Term 5

Growth and Change

This term our topic is Growth and Change. We will begin the topic looking at how plants grow, thinking about what they need to grow successfully and learning about where our food comes from. Then we will move onto how animals grow and change over time, focussing on the life cycle of a butterfly and learning the difference between mammals and birds. Finally, we will end the topic exploring how the children have grown and changed since they were born and how we can keep ourselves healthy. 


In Phonics, we will continue to consolidate our learning of the Set 1 and Set 2 sounds, while also learning how to apply our phonetic knowledge to reading and writing. 


In Mathematics, we will learn how to build numbers beyond 10 and focus on deepening our understanding of the number system. 


We will also be learning all about the Ospreys at Rutland water through our Osprey Watch Cam and learn about their fabulous journey to Rutland. 



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