term 1 - Marvellous me!
Marvellous me! - Year 1
This term we are finding out all about ourselves. We are starting by looking at our bodies and bones and playing lots of games to explore our 5 senses. We will set up a doctor's surgery in the classroom and write prescriptions and practise bandaging!
We will find out about our local area, walking around Whissendine and looking at maps of Rutland. We will look at our addresses and the different towns and villages we live in and send letters home. We have an exciting trip planned on Tuesday 11th October to visit Oakham Castle and find out about the famous Rutland horseshoes.
Year 1 are so looking forward to joining the school in assembly and finding out about our Whissendine passports, house points and bucket filling. They have already made a great start and we can't wait to find out more!