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Welcome to

Whissendine CE Primary School

Term 3

Welcome to Term 3 everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic break and you are ready for learning.

We have a lot to fit in as usual this term. Our first Topic is “Vive La France”, which is really exciting and provides plenty of learning opportunities across the curriculum. Towards the end of Term, we will plan the performance which will take place at the end of Term 4. In preparation for that and to whet our appetites, Class 3 and Class 4 will visit the Curve Theatre to watch The Twits. I cannot wait!
Class 4 learning for Term 3 also includes:
Literacy – we are becoming play script writers in order to prepare for our Production in Term 4. In addition, we will be completing diary entries and character profiles for the main characters.

Maths – along with addition and subtraction, we will continue to focus on multiplication and move onto division later this term. I probably don’t need to say it but keep practising your times tables on ttRockstars!

RE - it's a really fascinating topic, we will be learning about the Five Pillars of Islam.
PE – we will be doing gymnastics (Monday) and games (Thursday) this term so please remember your kit.
L2l – our focus is on being responsible learners.

As I mentioned, our Production begins to take shape this term through a series of workshops from week 4. The children will decide on the content, we will write the script together with Class 3 and auditions will take place! We are so excited!
This term, as part of our ongoing focus on becoming more independent, we are concentrating on becoming responsible learners, taking ownership for responding to our marking and more importantly, acting on that feedback at the next opportunity. Again, we will be awarding a rosette to the Independent Learner of the week.

As always, we will keep you updated on our progress...

Mrs Young, Mrs Mould and the Year 4 team.

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